The Hero's Journey - a statement of purpose!

I would play chess if I wanted to, but I don't want to, the GAME is already OVER! I prefer real life, not game playing! Controlling, dominating and overpowering is game playing. This doesn't work with me, mind games don't work on me! I'm Greek Cypriot, Orthodox Christian, and I know who I am!!! My name is Andreas! 

I prefer my life, the way it is, THE HERO'S JOURNEY, strength, courage, faith, struggles, overcoming suffering, rising, defeating evil time after time, a renewed life, this is success in life!

Success is humility
Success is truth,
Success is goodness,
Success is strength,
Success is courage,
Success is wisdom,
Success is love... 

I change for the better, not to please others, but for greater good!

In my book I don't fall to my knees for a man! 

No man is my saviour! 

In my book the slave is greater than his master, the greatest is the least, as he is success, he cannot fail.
For what is the master without his slaves? A slave to himself! A slave to his ego alone! A prisoner in his own mind, unable to sleep, unable to function, unable to live! 

Slavery is a crime! 

The biggest criminal is the master! 

He will feel the cold of metal bars around him, the chains, the walls, he'll only have darkness to see!

The will of the greater good always prevails! Darkness is always uncovered by light! 

The Light is God, The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for ever and ever, Amen +

GAME OVER - a reference

I'm always up early in the morning,
With enthusiasm and zest! 
Determined to do my best, 
Every single day! 
I work hard and put all my effort in all that I pursue! 

NOBODY tells me what to do, say, think or feel, repeat NOBODY! 

I govern my own life! With the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe with me at all times! 

I'm happy with who I am! 

I know who I am! 

I will not change for anyone! 

Those who want to break others, are people who are already broken! Narcissists, bullies, sociopaths...people filled only with weakness! From deep in their weak soul, within their weak mind, which all transfers to their weak body! 

Two words for people who want to impose their mind games on me?! 


I'm intelligent,  aware,  courageous, sharp, morally GOOD,  emotional, sensitive, kind, warm and open hearted... Mess with me, you get a barrage of what goodness brings straight to your heart!!!

Reject me for being good, friendly and generous?! You lose a good friend in your life!

This little Greek Cypriot guy, yes me, is stronger than what anyone thinks, full of real surprises, genuine gifts from above and a sincere and loving heart! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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