Life has meaning

Beauty don't mean shit without hope and love. A world without meaning isn't beautiful. A world without hope and love is pointless. Through my darkest hours I cling on to hope and love, and they see me through. The wonder of stars in the sky twinkles and the Earth's rotation in the vast universe don't mean shit without meaning. Without meaning there is only empty facade and bleakness. A vast vaccum of unending shit. If you believe in the big bang then you believe in nothingness and anything and everything is allowed. There is no moral compass, no anchor, no crux in the matter, or the matter of fact. Its a matter of life and death, though experience shapes our opinion, without a fulcrum of morality that is higher than our own, there can be no end goal, and goals and ambitions are pointless. Life without meaning is death. For if a suicidal person, sees no point in living as they are a burden to everyone in their life and they are not worthy of life, they are not seeing the bigger picture, they are in complete darkness, meaning in their life has gone, focus on the self has led them to hate themselves, their loved ones feelings no longer matter, but only their feelings of being a burden to their loved ones in their life. When one takes away the burden in life and lays it on meanings shoulders, then meaning will save you, point will save you, hope will save you, love will save you. The burden is light on meanings shoulders, the burden leaves completely when you take it off yourself and put it on a strong foundation. Yes, we get angry, people do, with good reason though, this anger leads to action, not darkness, but a sense of what is right and what is wrong, and it is displayed outwardly. Then this anger goes, and is not clung onto, as anger that is held onto turns to depression, and if not expressed and released quickly leads to gloom and doom follows. Forgiveness is a release too, whereas vengeance is built up anger. Peace and tranquility are good, but having peace on its own does not release anything, expression and action as is life, must occur in order to acquire peace. Peace can't acquire itself, as inner rage still exists in a facade of peace. Peace without hope and love is only a quietness, but with torment still unending inside. Anger must be expressed, must be spoken, must be revealed, must be exposed in order to heal. Supressing it with peace don't work, expressing it with vengeance don't work, expressing it with forgiveness and letting go works. Anger is productive, but only when released productively. Supressed anger kills. There is meaning in life, look yourself in the face, in the eyes, and he's looking back at you, the eyes with light in them, are living and alive. The eyes that are still and black are dead. Life goes on inside those windows. Fore the heart beats until we die, but the heart that is life goes on, for the point in life is not outward beauty, but inner powers, that give hope and love. These remain forever, and life goes on forever. Some say these words hope and love, are mere abstract concepts, I say these words are the meaning of life, and are life. Some say we as people give meaning to life, I say yes we do, without meaning hope is gone, death reigns and corruption lives. One just has to look around and see it, fore corruption increases, it's plain to see. Corruption of the inner being comes from self centredness. These so called abstract concepts hope and love break the shield, the armour, the cocoon of self centredness, extend the arms and open the eyes. The eyes that see the light, see life as it is, from the true perspective, and it is everything else that means nothing. If I haven't convinced you that there is light at the end of the tunnel, then Christ help you. 

The Greatest Is...

The greatest is the least, 
What is a master without his slaves? 
What is a general without his army? 
What is the teacher without his students? 
What is the leader without his followers? 
What is the ego without an identity? 

The winner holds his head low and humble to win! 
The true champion is gracious and modest! 
The meek and lowly of heart are immense in character, 
With strong, stainless and steely guts! 

Power comes from goodness! It comes from kindness in intent and action, 
It comes from robustness of courage, 
It comes from humility and not from glory... 

Helping your fellow man pays! 
Empathy and understanding is a gift! Knowledge of  your true self is an Iron fist of strength! 

Become your good thoughts, 
Dream sincere and joyous moments, 
Wish for goodness to come from the corrupt, 
Put hope in the resting palm of your hand, 
Go forth with vibrance and ingenuity, 
Not with physical force, 
But with the force of will power! 

Take the good from life out of the grasp of darkness! 
Take it with iron will, 
Take it and transform it, into something memorable, something longlasting, 
Something that changes life, 
Something that crushes the dark and opens doors! 
Doors opened with flashes of lightening, intercepting and infiltrating, and annihilating the core of corruption of character! 
Use goodness for goodness sake! 

Listen and never forget! 
Listen with your heart! 
Listen and shine! 
Listen and rise! 

The miniscule war is momentous! 
Fore the war of the heart is the greatest war to overcome!
Let go! release pain and release anger!
The release is the expression of the inner person!
Win the war,
Win the medal of honesty, 
Begin with humility, 
Know yourself! 

The deal of love

The deal with Christ, the deal with my beloved family and true friends! 

The best deal I ever made

The deal from Baptism, I shook His hand, deal done, contract made, transaction settled. Transition from innocent child of Faith to the progression of the adult carrying my Heavenly Cross! The Burdens of life! 

The deal with the spirit of God

The deal with the Father

Wear the protective veil of the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe!

When worn one is indestructible, in this life and in the next, sitting at the hand of the Father! 

My family has my back, as do my friends. God Himself has my back, carrying me on His Mighty Graceful shoulders! 

Ditch the mask of delusion and fakery and facade, by all means, this pretence and utter servitude is extreme weakness! 

Inner strength is what is needed! 

The will of God Himself

Control of everything is in God's hands, not in the hands of evil... 

Humility is the master

Take your stand by force of your spiritual will power!

Inner core strength!

Be yourself and shine with glory of inward and outward golden beams of light of warmth and of tender heart.

Those who attempt to destroy me or my dear friends, will meet God, face to face, all knees will drop, all heads will fall!.. Fore the Truth is coming! The Truth will arrive, the Truth is here! Always and forever!!!

Break the chains by force of inner will power, see the suffocation of darkness infront of you and turn to the easy breathe of Light!!!

Remove the blinkers of blindness, put on the open arms of vision and sight. Insight into the great and the small!

The Everlasting Deal, done!!!

3 poems of simple reference

I ran, 
You fall, 
I rise with courage. 

I know. 
Power in hand, 

I see,
Clear as light. 
I feel Freedom.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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