"He is not dead"

Too much emotion,
Too much pain,
Too much time passed,
Too much strain.
Too much joy,
Too much Spirit,
Too much to enjoy,
Too much strength and power
for life to not last!
The things come and gone, will never pass!
In the heart and mind,
Memories sometimes fade,
But, childlike spirit brings a new and unquestionable fire! 
Something God made!

The sun keeps shining,
Its rays never fade,
There's always a silver lining,
The Earth keeps turning,
The flame keeps burning,
Growth never ceases,
Hope inside our hearts never dies,
The sound of hope when a newborn cries!

We are all Hand made.
God's hand is gentle and kind,
He has you in mind as God is love and loves humankind!

"Come unto me" He says,
Thee who are heavy ladened and weary,
I shall give you rest,
Life is the greatest gift,
Life is the very best!

Never fear, fore He is with you,
Never fear, fore he is tender, 
Never fear, He will never surrender, His love is relentless!
Never fear, His care is abundant,
Never fear, He renders all evil as redundant and
His kindness endures forever!

The road is long to a better place,
The journey straight, 
He's always ahead and on perfect time,
He never relinquishes his love,
He enables the Heavenly climb,
He opens the gates and looks you in the face,
Fear not, He loves you,
Feel His warm embrace!

In the ground,
You are buried,
Back to the earth you go,
The power of dead,
Will never let go,
For the dead have just passed to somewhere else,
The caterpillar disintegrates,
Only to emerge with a new life,
Death cuts and hurts deep like a sore wound and like a knife,
But, the miracle is love,
And with love everything is possible,
Death is only a beginning,
With love there is only winning!

You ask yourself in a vast field of graves,
Why? Why do we die?!
Why are we here?
What is life??

Life is a powerful sacred gift,
With cherished kindness,
The kindness of sacrifice,
We see life for evermore!

You ask, why did He die?

I answer, "He is not dead"

Accept this gift! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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