Be kind

You can point the finger,
Curse me,
Crack and crush me,
Blame me and stain me,
And if you break me,
I won't be worried,
I'll mend!

I'll mend,
I'll get stronger and braver,
More spirited and sharper,
Cleverer and smarter,

Fore, as the sun will shine
And the wind blow,
My little body, my dainty frame,
Will not fold or flap,
Shake or shudder,
I will not give in!

I'm a natural cleanser,
All bugs, all impurities, all waste,
Will be wiped clean away from my white suit,
Yes, I will remain spotless,
Imperfect, but spotless!
Brush those questions, those doubts aside and pursue a new life, every single day!

Yes! I cry sometimes,
Yes, I am down
I frown and I slump,
But inside I'm flying, always, 
My voice sings, always,
I dither and I worry,
But, the portal of Heaven that always beckons me is always open, 
As, I will not forget where I've been, what I've done, who I am.
Humility holds my head firmly to the ground, but I'm standing higher and wider than the universe can contain,
I will never be bound or suffocated, 
I'm a bowed over explosion of experience and euphoria!

I drink my tea or coffee for that matter, or sip a glass of red wine, 
Yes, I'm human, I have my ways,
Surprise surprise, but as the rays shine through my blinds right now,
So does a light of all mighty power glow around my tiny physique, around my brain and my heart, encapsulating the sheer essence of humanity in simplicity!

Be kind to one another.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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