Have Courage

If there is a new world order,
I will break the damn law,
the law isn't written in stone,
Or in an office or court,
its written in my heart, in my bones, in my blood, in my gut!

Nothing and nobody will define my life,
I follow the very definition of life!
Nothing and nobody will tell me what I ought to do,
my spirit is freedom itself!
Nothing and nobody will hold me captive, the untouchable cannot be caught!
Nothing and nobody will imprison me, my freedom breaks through rock and steel!

Nothing and nobody will conquer me and destroy me,
I have courage, I have faith, I have God, you can't kill me, you can't even render me weak,
I will utilise, hegemonize, override, overcome, overwhelm your ways, I will defy this system, defy the odds, defy your beliefs with my own belief!

You won't interigate me, I'll interigate you, you won't scrutinise me, I'll scrutinise you, I will out think you, out maneuver you, out fight you!

Your games, I won't play, your propaganda, I will not hear, your threats, I will not fear!

It is written in my heart,
I listen only to my faith,
From the beginning to the end,
Victory is The King!

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Good manners go far! Thank you! Much appreciate your comment!

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