For seeing us through this tribulation, 
For being with us in the isolation, 
For lightening the heavy weight on our back, 
For being our rock and giving when we lack. 
For giving us the strength when we are weak, 
For carrying us over the pandemics peak, 
For breaking the chains and building the bridge, 
For necessities and stocking our very fridge! 

Life is good as your goodness is unending, 
you never change your mind, 
you are unbending, 
what you say you always do, 
you bless our life,
the old and the new.
My best friend is you dear God, 
as you never give up and never give up on me!  
You enhance my life and you let me be! 

Thank you dear God,

For the genius of the scientific mind, 
For giving us the Truth when others are blind, 
For finding the cure when we cling to hope, 
For raising our spirit when we cannot cope, 
For raising the dead and bringing them peace, 
For giving them rest and an eternal new lease,
For the bright light of your beautiful Sun, 
For feeling loss in life and knowing we've won, 
For the kindness and warmth of human kind, 
For me being the one who was lost and you who helped me to find!

Life is light even in the darkest days,
You are the light of the light, 
the best of ways, 
You are the bright candle in a blacked out home, 
you are the sweetest word in this land, as you have the miraculous and the wonderment of life in your hand! 
You give to us abundantly with open palm, 
honestly and sincerely, 
with love and never harm. 
Giving that which we need to live on Earth, 
from conception through to birth, 
and into life we grow with you,
you are my loving God and you help me get through! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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