The living poem

I am a living poem,
This poem is anxious, 
This poem is emotional, 
This poem is sensitive, 
This poem is strength itself,
This poem is phenomenal power,
This poem sees through weaknesses at the speed of light, 
This poem is the First and the Last, 
This poem is humility, 
This poem is a bowed head, 
This poem is quiet, 
This poem is hidden, 
This poem is indestructible, 
This poem is fight, 
This poem is bravery and courage, 
This poem is will power and stamina, 
This poem is meek and lowly of heart, 
This poem is seeking life, 
This poem is ability, 
This poem is a gift, 
This poem is beauty, 
This poem is drawn to the Light, 
This poem is goodness, 
This poem is silence, 
This poem is love, 
This poem is life, 
This poem is Truth, 
This poem is annihilation of evil, a puzzle, a riddle that can't be solved, only knowable to the good and to the kind, to the genuine and to the honest. Don't try to understand me as you will not be able to, you won't understand, you can't, even an attempt to will mean your destruction. Either stand beside me or get out of my way. You are unable to use my weaknesses against me, as you do not know my weaknesses, underestimate me at your peril, as my strength is unconquerable! 

This poem is beyond what you understand, it is seeing the unseeable, attaining the unattainable, destroying the self so that life begins, not in glory, but in humility!

This poem is tough, yet gentle, look away now, ignore it, don't register it, 
You are your own enemy, your own downfall, you are weak.

This poem ends with strength! 

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