Ride to Paradise

I fell off my bike, 
Perpetual motion, 
Not a clue, not a notion, 
Left unharmed, unscathed
I stood upright, 
By God I was saved. 

Fear not, 
With God's angels with me, 
and new bike I will travel, 
To Heaven from Home, 
I have life to unravel. 

3 friends were there, 
1 had my back, 
The sun warm and breeze cool, 
I panicked, felt under attack. 

But, I smile and laugh now, 
About lessons from life, 
I ride with God
up the ladder of Divine Ascent, 
passed those demons
Its the wheel that hell bent. 

The wheel of life, 
I Must keep going, 
Keep peddling, 
Keep striving, 
With the Word that Im riding. 

Nothing by accident, 
Nothing by chance, 
Its all there infront of me, 
All to enhance. 

The wheel of life, 
Its The Cross that I bear, 
I fly with my bike, 
With safety and care. 

I touch the stars, 
Its Heaven I need, 
Fear not friends, 
The Word will succeed! 

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