Battered and Fried (The Opposition)

This B team woz
Bragging n boasting,
Its us who was hosting,
In our manor and our land! 
The arrogance, the nerve, 
This behaviour, I could not understand!

The game began, 
They looked mediocre at best, 
A battle royal, a royal rumble, 
Now I thought, their ready to crumble, 
We went ahead in humility, 
They wouldn't pass their test! 
With strength WE did the rest! 

Fired up, they got robust,
Our team hard as nails feathered the dust! .. shook off the rust! 

Our Goals rippled the net
Goal after goal,
13 in all.. unlucky for some!
AK47 kalashnikov fun!

Their heads went down, 
The mind games had ended! 
They lacked heart and fight, 
They gave up, they surrendered! 

They weeped and cursed, and lost, 
Victory is sweet when its a win at all cost! Now the moral of this tail is the humble will win, we got through it, through the thick and the thin! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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