Bounce back!

I rise when I fall,
A tenacious Tiger playing ball,
No matter how I play, I never play weak, 
Strong is my name, I play at the peak!

Humble not arrogant,
Diminutive, but great,
Modest in triumph,
Punctual not late!

Success is a good soul,
Success is strength,
Success is getting up from a crippling low! 

I climb after I collapse,
My light proceeds inner darkness,
After hurt I grow,
After pain I glow,
Resurrection follows death 
And redemption after sin!
No matter if I lose, I always win!

Call it what you want... call it fate, call it karma, call it God's Will, 
Those who attempt to kill
will inevitably feel,
a crushing blow so powerful they will be unable to recover! 
Inevitably they will suffer,
That's my faith, that's my belief! Till the wreath, is placed on my head and I am safe and at rest, in my bed.

Unrelenting I patiently wait,
Memory long and sharp as a blade,
My presence is calm,
in the background, but I never fade!
Tirelessly friendly,
I never relent,
After difficult times I pick myself up and frequent,
The back of that horse and ride the course of life! 

The waves carry me time after time,
Energy courses down my spine,
I'm lightening intercepting from a cloud,
I remove the mask, remove the shroud,
Fakers and takers swept away,
Friends held onto dearly,
Never go astray,
Now clear and like a child,
I remember with joyful cheer,
I rise with power,
I play ball with no fear,
I rise with power,
An innocent game,
I rise with power,
The child I was will remain!

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