Freedom flower

I was feeling pain, I was feeling rage, but then I turned my head and turned the page,

Overflowing with a pure spring in your step,

Bring a lightness in mind and sing,

A song of rejoicing,

A song of pleasure,

Be as light,

As light as a feather!

Bring cures into life,

See good in all good things,

Lift up and be the freedom flower,

Fore art and nature are a natural power,

Freedom of expression,

Power of life,

Beauty of the flower,

Ease and not strife.

Beauty is everywhere,

Bringing sunshine into sadness,

There is always hope even in badness,

Feel this energy and be a warrior of sunshine,

With freedom and light power combine!

There's something special in every thing,

That's why a glimmer turns into an eternal spring,

Spring forth and be positive,

Back off negative vibes,

Melt into life and be as one,

Shoot petals on people with the freedom gun!  

Then you know,

You've won!

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