The Edge

It's about life or death,

Give in and die or accept,

Improvise and adapt or live a short brutish life,

Overcome your surroundings, your acquaintances and enemies,

If they bring a shadow in your life, you show them the light of the Sun, 

If they bring a noose or a gun,

You give them a candle and a flame of compassion and the passion in your heart,

If they show you evil,

You show them your strength,

If death surrounds them,

You become a flower of life and show the way,

If deception prevails in their heart, stand upright and tall, and be the torch they are looking for!

Those people are blind, 

they hide under a pure facade, inside is treacherous and sinister, 

They don't know themselves.

The ones that delve deeper,

Those seekers of joy realise they live on the edge,

They find a way to live in life,

Surrounded by impure demons with the devil in them.

Don't give in to the corrupt,

Step down and allow them their pedestal,

They will fall one day,

But, the risen keep rising,

For the bread of life is also the true word and here lie the facts,

Do unto others good things as this is way,

This keeps you alive and the edge, the pit, is far away,

The colours of the Sun change daily, 

But, the word and your life remain! 

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