The higher echelons

 If the focus of the higher echelons of society is to break the heart physically, societally and spiritually of the so called little people in the world, I will strengthen and soften my heart in everyway to deal with this issue! These days of stress and turmoil, apocalyptic days,  need certain coping mechanisms. The breastplate of forgiveness, the shield of peace, and the sword of humility, the helmet of hope and full body armour of love. 

In these days of high technology, we need simple things, like real lasting friendship, community, open-heartedness, charity, mercy for one other, understanding and respect. Above all love. Love for people, creatures, plants, love for good times, happiness and trust. Love for innocence and cherished memories. When you love simplicity and simple things, you become more grateful, and this in turn increases your love. Let's begin now. 

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