
Never limit yourself,

Never put yourself in a box,

Never let another manipulate you to there way of thinking or doing,

Never be stifled,

Break the mould, bust out if it,

Extend yourself and lend a hand of freedom!


Time is no object,

It's no restriction,

Never restrict yourself,

Never hold back,

Be a sayer and a doer, don't be cheap,

Never say can't, say I'll do my best, 

Allow people to say what they want,

They will sneer and geer and ridicule,

It doesn't matter,

Get back on your horse,

Time and time again,

Be humble, but bend for nobody,

Be kind, but not a fool,

Be generous, but don't be used.

I'll back up, but I won't crack up,

Those who attempted to destroy me failed forever,

You can't destroy me,

You got to destroy my soul and that's not happening,

I'm here and here I'll remain,

Like a beautiful aroma that lingers,

Forget me?

Nobody is forgotten,

Not in my eyes,

Not in God's eyes,

Get negativity away from me and believe, 

Have faith, be strong, be calm.

Never back down,

Agree by all means,

But stand firm,

Stand by your principles,

A year older, a year stronger,

To all those who think they made me?

I made myself,

God made me,

Life made me,

To those who think they know me and make assumptions?

I'm a lone warrior,

A man of iron, diamond, forged out of rock and steel,

armour plated!

I feel, but I'm bullet proof,

It's called encouragement, not arrogance,

It's knowing yourself and saying that's me,

It's loving who you are and saying I'm good, I'm great,

Never doubt goodness,

Fore goodness is the Light,

The Light is Way,

The Light is the Truth.

Zip it

I zip my jacket up

And Head out

I'm ready to break some balls...

On the count of three

You mess with me?

I won't lift a finger,

I've got bigger plans,

And higher strength,

Higher power!

Who's got your back?

I know who's got mine,

The invisible one,

The one who sees everything

And everyone,

Every action and every word,

So be careful of what you say and do,

As it comes back to lift or break,

Like an elevator or a rake, to take away or give for Heaven's sake!

I zip it up,

My foot lands with the beat,

I don't cheat, I'm no liar,

I enquire and I require trust and not a rusty key to my heart, I break that key when I see the truth in you, 

You are no good for me,

So I elevate myself again,

To a higher plain,

A spiritual plain,

A greater plain...

Because I've got so much to gain!

There's no stain on me,

Don't judge by looking,

What I'm eating or cooking,

How I might seem,

I'm seamless, I'm boundless,

I go on and on, I break the mould and box,

I'm cunning like a Fox,

And wise as an Owl,

I'm well read and I'm aware,

I'm ready when I step out of bed,

Groggy head, but my spirit is prepared,

Speak out of terms?

Zip it shut,

You'll be cut into ribbons,

When you throw your butt on the ground,

Caught unawares, when you least expect it,

Yes, life is hectic,

Life is tough,

You'll be caught with your trousers down and in the buff,

Looking rough...

That's why I'm always zipped,

I'm tough,

You don't know me,

That's my mantra,

That's my way,

On your bike and on the high way,

My route is route 77,

Straight to Heaven,

Where are you headed?!

I'm alone

I'm alone, 

With my thoughts,

With my imagination,

With my ideas and endeavours, and gifts.

But, I'm never alone,

The Magnificent One is with me, tending to me, helping me, steering me, guiding me along the right way, whether it be my brush or my pen, or my hopes and my choices, He is there and I am on His shoulders, sitting and thinking, and at all times safe.

His Angels battle as I battle,

Holding back those demons,

As the soul shows on the paper, one shows who they are through creativity,

Imagination is Good when it flows with the Spirit,

Imagination is angelic when it casts out the demons and cleanses the soul. 

What is genius?

An idea from a mind to help many minds,

Creativity and creation are genius,

A vibrating frequency which heals, 

And is sealed in history.

It's a pity how the helping hand is always hidden,

And the destroyers are always revealed and elevated,

But, the people will always see through lies and secrets,

The people are strong, 

The people are smart,

The people are no one's fool.

See the truth through the pomegranate branches in the garden of Eden, 

Be mysterious and you will be perfected in peaceful paradise, 

Shaking a genius by the hand in Heaven.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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