Zip it

I zip my jacket up

And Head out

I'm ready to break some balls...

On the count of three

You mess with me?

I won't lift a finger,

I've got bigger plans,

And higher strength,

Higher power!

Who's got your back?

I know who's got mine,

The invisible one,

The one who sees everything

And everyone,

Every action and every word,

So be careful of what you say and do,

As it comes back to lift or break,

Like an elevator or a rake, to take away or give for Heaven's sake!

I zip it up,

My foot lands with the beat,

I don't cheat, I'm no liar,

I enquire and I require trust and not a rusty key to my heart, I break that key when I see the truth in you, 

You are no good for me,

So I elevate myself again,

To a higher plain,

A spiritual plain,

A greater plain...

Because I've got so much to gain!

There's no stain on me,

Don't judge by looking,

What I'm eating or cooking,

How I might seem,

I'm seamless, I'm boundless,

I go on and on, I break the mould and box,

I'm cunning like a Fox,

And wise as an Owl,

I'm well read and I'm aware,

I'm ready when I step out of bed,

Groggy head, but my spirit is prepared,

Speak out of terms?

Zip it shut,

You'll be cut into ribbons,

When you throw your butt on the ground,

Caught unawares, when you least expect it,

Yes, life is hectic,

Life is tough,

You'll be caught with your trousers down and in the buff,

Looking rough...

That's why I'm always zipped,

I'm tough,

You don't know me,

That's my mantra,

That's my way,

On your bike and on the high way,

My route is route 77,

Straight to Heaven,

Where are you headed?!

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