The Skilled Sailor

Many men sail in smooth seas,

Many men swim and sink,

Many men achieve nothing through ease and gain little from a calm tide.

The skillful man sails in the roughest waters,

He sails through waves of trauma bubbling upto the surface,

He sails through and passed breakdown and depression,

He sails through failure, up and down to calmer seas and to eventual Victory of Light in his eyes and mind!

The resilience of the Sailor means he sees the bigger picture,

The entire beauty of the oil on canvas,

He cultivates like a gardener and celebrates growth and learns with appreciation,

He accepts the critics and puts the power of effort before his talent,

10,000 hours practice to be proficient?

He puts in double, triple, more and more!

Training the muscles of his body and brain, 

cultivating his grit, determination and steel, 

His mentality is growth,

His mindset is strong,

His attitude is clear,

He redefines Genius fore his experience is a Hurricane that came and went!

He survived,

He learnt so much,

He can only succeed,

When he's low, when he panics, when he's confused, when he's stifled, 

He gets through those deep waters time and after time,

Because he knows he can!

He's not alone,

He knows his weaknesses are shared,

He's blood and bone, he's not made of stone,

When he hears "I Am With You" 

He rejoices,

The seas calm,

The sun rises,

It was worth the struggle, worth the pain,

Worth the effort,

There is everything to gain...

The Hand of Love Saves you from drowning every single time!

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