Out of the womb

Out of the womb I cry,

In the sight of the world,

Out of the darkness within,

For the first time I see the light.

From the faetal position to an outstretched embrace,

From the warmth within and God's Holy Grace, 

To a humble start and face to face,

With my mother, with the world,

From here my life did unfold.

Out of darkness and into the light,

Where no darkness exists, but only sight,

Whence I couldn't see, my eyes were closed,

Now I have sight and I have arose,

Born in innocence and humility

in a violent world,

My life has just begun and yet to he told,

Freedom I cry, freedom, freedom!

Without goodness there is no freedom,

There is no life without the good,

Embrace faith in all good things,

Rise to your feet and stand strong,

Fore true goodness is never wrong!

Follow this light your entire life cradle to grave,

Then and only then will you see a miraculous new light,

A new birth into a good world,

An untouchable haven where the Shepherd and Sheep will lie down undisturbed,

Peaceful and powerful love unending,

Where revenge, hurt and money do not exist,

A new life to unfold, a new birth to be told,

Out of the darkness and into the light,

Shine bright now children, 

Life has only just begun, see with new eyes and new sight,

Remember beauty,

Remember truth,

Life has only just begun,

Sing beautiful songs and 

Life will be forever w


( Inspired by my art and my faith)

A Spiritual Force

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