
Is it a prison or is it a gift?

That's for you to decide!

I say face the dilemma,

Or avoid the experience through experience,

See fear and make your mind clear.

See yourself as a shining crystal, 

Translucent and iridescent,

Fear is a gift and a present of the past, a jewel fact of life to make with yourself a powerful pact, your determination is a mechanism to feel the fear and act.

I'm feeling overwhelmed I hear, I'm feeling flat, I'm feeling hollow and scared, my inner child needs a hug

Because I feel the fear of the fearful bug.

As a child 

I raised a strong fist, 

My iron willpower said "no!"

Fear will not devour me, it will not chain me down,

I will give myself compassion,

I will give myself love,

I will find ways to overcome it from the earth and up above!

I'm a person, I feel emotion, but I have help from my devotion, 

My faith is truth and this I hang onto when weary and broken down,

If I feel scared and wear a frown,

If I feel the fear and fear to drown.

But, the truths hand lifts me out of deep water,

The truth as was uttered from the lips of my baby daughter,

I will not forget the past,

It will be with me forever,

But, I pursue life and go forward and will not back down to fear and the spell it cast, it's hold will let go, it will not last.

To be fearless is a lack of emotion, but to "fear not" is beautiful,

To continue regardless of feeling fear is courage and is resilience,

There's is always someone with you, that other person or greater brilliance!

Is it a prison or is it a gift?

Let me reiterate,

Is your life a heavy weight or do you see beauty in small simple things?

In the immeasurable? In the wonder of a child? In the miniscule heartbeat that is the beginning of life?

What is there to fear?

What is there to fear if you have courage?

Be still. 

Be still and calm, and do not be anxious.

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