
Memories fade,

No longer sharp, no longer certain,

Focus goes and one is foggy at best,

When the blade is blunt,

Then begins the true test.

The mind is gone,

But the soul is revealed and the heart remains,

Without judgement, without stains,

An empty shell it seems, a disturbed demeanor,

But the childlike person couldn't be cleaner,

Cleansed and pure,

And for this their path is made sure.

Straight to the abode where no challenge is,

Where no demand is,

Where no threat or conflict is,

But only peace and only assurity,

An everlasting moment of clarity,

And ever so beautiful and fruitful,

And only growth and life exist, 

And death has gone for good,

And only abundance and only gratitude,

And there you sing and dance, and rejoice,

Hand in hand,

Brothers and sisters forever,

At last, at last that darkness has gone! 

And the Sun will shine on you!!

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