Soul searching

They fall at the wayside,

The gutter is nowhere to live,

They take and take,

When to survive you give.

They bend and they break,

The break is life long,

They stop and think too much,

Recovery has gone.

They lose their faith,

Money is all they need,

Their opinion is king,

Their wealth and their greed.

Pride is the Devil's possession,

Deception is vanity,

The humble are gracious,

The weak fight for sanity.

When the time comes to meet glory or doom,

Is your conscience clear,

Did you do your very best,

Or did the demons your heart sear.

Did the devil win you over,

Or were you held close by life,

Were the Angels with you,

Or did death rule with scythe.

Look deep into your mind,

Discover your true self,

Is your soul protected,

Is truth your only wealth.

In the end you will know the meaning of why we are here,

Your souls destruction or everlasting history,

Love is our purpose and the way to live,

Live for the victory of life's divine mystery!

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