
His home is rest and fulfilment,

His home is faithful power, 

His home is beauty and Truth for the eyes, the mind and the senses. 

At once faith, belief in the unseen, becomes sight and heart, 

Faith is realised in the most magnificent visions, the reality of Glory,

Trees with sweet fruit abundant, 

Flowers so fragrant and pure, 

Both Sparrow and Archangel rejoice with song and breath. 

People gather as friends, 

People love one another, 

Love the most sacred, the most high is everywhere present and filling all things, 

Fore only sacrifice brings love, 

And only Truth realises love, 

And only life everlasting is love, 

My God is love who brings the end to suffering to those who have done good and know him, see him in front of them and love him without question,

Those who did lose, will gain, 

Those who were weak, will be strong, 

Those who were tormented will be free of all torment, and will feel only ease. 

When your sins are forgiven you, 

When all questions are answered, 

When the water poured and fire inside is ignited simultaneously, and the Holy visions are realised with wonderment, and the mystery of miracles are all around, you will see his love in every pore, in every grain, in every drop of water, in everything and everyone, 

Life is a blessing to the faithful, 

Those small vital moments on Earth giving hope and strength to continue, to see the face of God, to live the life he wants you to live, to be free,

Freedom and love entwined, 

Fore one is inseparable from the other, as a bird soars high it sings its song to glorify it's creator, you will become like a bird forever, flying high and singing love. 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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