Perfect love is perfection itself

Challenge the state of affairs, whatever they may be, 

but let hate feed hate, 

I'll feel the love and the power!

Challenge the masses, why not! 

Relinquish your chains and

Never be afraid of being outnumbered. 

Be Daniel in the Lion's Den, 

Let your heart chime like Big Ben and

when your faith is unbreakable,

You will become unshakeable. 

Create within you a clean spirit, 

So you don't rely on people, 

But, they will listen, 

And become closer to miracles. 

Calm your spirit, calm your internal self, your blood, organs, muscles, skin and bone, 

Feel no animosity for your self or others, 

But don't be nice, be GOOD, stand your ground and accept only positivity. 

Positivity is electricity to the soul and a golden key which opens the door to unique realms. 

There's hope for us all,

Revolutionise your heart,

Like Saul became Paul,

He who is blinded by the light will see the light. 

Defiantly be happy and courageous,

Fore bold is gold,

If you're strong be gentle, 

If you excell be humble,

If you carry great intellect show faith,

As nobody stands alone, nobody is a monolith, nobody is perfect apart from those perfected by perfection itself! 

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