I refuse

I refuse to become bitter, 

My faith will never fade, 

I refuse to grow old, 

The child will never die, 

I refuse to give up, 

I will strive on and on, and on. 

I will whistle my tune and sing a song, crack a joke and laugh from the heart. 

I will be silly and crazy, and weird, 

But never stale and old, or wicked and cold. 

I will be bold and boisterous, kind and keen, not timid and flat, or vicious and mean.

I refuse.

I will always be inquisitive and want to learn more,

I will always be spritely and alert, whether in the body or heart,

I will not fade, even if it seems that way. 

I will look out the window and be mesmerised by what I see,

The treasures here and there, the beauty to be behold, the life that is everywhere, the life that I mould.

We cannot control everything, but we can think how we want, the mind moulds our existence, what we think is what we become, the point is love, joy and fascination, though life is not always fun. 

Life can rip into our souls, tear us apart, but we fix all the pieces back together and begin a fresh start. 

We renew and regenerate, adapt and change, but the core that inner child remains. 

I refuse. 

I will play games and be innocent, not kill in war. 

I will fight many battles, but not hurt others.

I will show compassion, not twist a complex tale, 

I will state the truth gently, not put you under a magical spell. 

Imagine a ripe fruit, a pomegranate or such, or an ancient gift, an elixir, but you don't share and you don't care, and you grow old and tired, and alone. 

Imagine the opposite, the transformation that would occur, if you share life and live with hope, your youth would remain, time wouldn't exist, you'd never be torn apart, but just peace and love would be.

I refuse. 

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