Sea of Hope

I see it and say
how wonderful life is,
a sea of courage,
of history and faith.
Coming in and going out, it speaks to me a language of calm.

The waves die.
I see a time where my child will live.
An ancient time of tradition and beauty.

The sea, for a moment is cold, then with vigour, warmth engulfs me. In the time it takes to smooth a rough stone, ideas of timelessness arise.

Grains of sand on a beach are innumerable in number and like people each one unique. Dreams are like this, strangely unfathomable, and as the sound of waves overcome me, I sleep.

The courageous have gone in and come out, cowards do not enter. Its the spirit of a colossal warrior that helps navigate this turning of the tide. The adventurer, the questioner and the seeker within makes a leader.

Soldiers flee to the mountains from the valleys to prepare for war. They counter with zeal like men ready to die for the cause.

The waves die.
I see a time where my child will live.
An ancient time of tradition and beauty.

They have love in their hearts and do not want to see their great people altered forever. They stand strong and fight, first with their hearts and minds, then with weapons of battle. Spreading the truth as they fight, moments of victory give hope. A deep passionate hope that their land, as it once was, will return once again.

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