The Morning Dove 🕊

When one appears it is a prize,
A paradise in the midst of destruction,
I watch it and behold a peaceful protector in a quiet place where colours evolve into jewels and
weapons into olive branches.
Sharp edges become soft, pleasant to the touch and mezmeric to the eye,
with a simple glance it appears beautiful, but on further looking mere beauty turns into a wordless compliment, it becomes unfathomable! ...

Unfathomable is descending Light from its body on a mountain top, untouchable and serene...

But, the change of wind blows and a thunder storm explodes, a volcano erupting and I am in turmoil as the Dove disappears.

Out of this darkness comes inspirational light, fire and fight, my joy and delight in poetry.

The hope that poetry unravels reflects in me like a mirror, I become a child again. Before torment and abuse, before relentless fear, a time of innocence.
When fear has gone, my love rises above the rim of the unending depth, and continues to ascend.

Determination in my heart and mind comes from seeking and finding, from seeing the preciousness within me, expressing the once inexpressible. Once withdrawn and suppressed I become blessed and excude my absolute best.

From out of the womb, I  strive with open arms to The Omega, that Divine spark, without second thought, without indecision, without changing mind. Moulded from The Alpha, it is by peace of thought do I dwell in peace, fore my thoughts make me who I am.

The Dove is a treasure, it is what I need and that which I seek. It is the most humble and quiet of creatures. On seeing such a bird, it's impact on my eye and spirit is great, yet fleeting, as if disturbed it flies to a more quiet place.

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