Truth is Truth

You can research or read as much as you want, at the end of the day opinion overrides everything, and so does truth. Whether you agree with science or not, it's an opinion you agree with, scientific fact or not fact, evidence based or not evidence based, you agree with the knowledge you have equired because you agree with it. If nothing has meaning like you have explained, then anything is acceptable and anything is right and correct. Morals to you must be man made, but if we are only animals or even only molecules, it means nothing, so in this meaningless existence how does anyone begin to have purpose in life, or feel the need for purpose if we're only here to procreate then die, and that's the end. To me this scientific belief is sad, empty and untrue. It is also weak and you will find that science people are the weakest, as many people who have these beliefs are not only arrogant, but angry. You might not agree with me, probably you don't, but whether priori or apriori it doesn't matter. Truth is truth, falsehood is falsehood.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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