People or Truth?

People or Truth? I asked myself a long time ago. 

I chose the Truth. 

Deception or Light? 

I chose the Light,

I knew from the beginning that I was right. 

In my garden I saw flowers and all life, I knew beauty was given out of joy, out of love, not by nothing, but from the beautiful God above. 

I lost alot of people,

Because I won't be fooled, 

Because I know the Truth,

Because I saw the Light. 

Yes people, I know the Truth, it's a treasure to behold when your life is in the palm of loves hand, and your not a puppet playing in the dark deceptors band. 

From an innocent child I knew there was something outside my mind, something bigger, something stronger, something that gave life meaning, 

All these emotions don't just disappear after death, 

We want to live and we're given life, 

Life goes on after the last breath, 

There's a point to existence, 

A reason to live, 

A reason we have a heart to give, 

Love is the reason why life continues, why Roses blossom year after year, why Caterpillars change to Butterflies, why death isn't the victor and Angels pull us up time after time, why we fight to go on and cry at fairwells, it goes on, do not fear and do not worry, every cry of sorry is heard, every breath is known, every life is precious, we are not just skin and bone, we have a soul, though we miss the mark, we wake up and start anew, a new day is a new life given from above and this metamorphosis is seen in the Resurrection of God and all who know and love. 

When Love, Truth and Faith commune, 

This is the bond that will resume, 

It goes on forever, do not worry, do not stress, even when your life's a mess, 

He picks up the pieces, 

Like a loving jigsaw maker, 

He who made the Universe, 

Puts our lives piece by piece, with timing of perfection back together with such loving affection and gives us guidance and direction. 

It's not blind faith, 

The proof is there for all to see, 

Back then I thought and hoped, but now I know. 

Do not let your experience make you bitter and far away from hope, 

As every darkness will disappear up in smoke, 

And through the smoke will appear a brilliant Light unlike any other, 

And only then will you know. 

Where are you?

Where are you?

When I'm alone in the dark,

When everyone is so distant and cold,

Where are you?

Where are you? 

When I'm sad and confused, 

When I'm angry and at a loss.

Rendered obsolete by my own thoughts, 

My energy zapped and morale low, 

Striken by negativity and all trust gone,

I can't find the solution to the problem, 

When it's looking me straight in the face! 

I'm here, I'm here and I'm strong!

I'm with you and I'll hold your hand. 

I'm with you and I'll lift you up high!

I know what I need to do, 

patterns in life show the way,

How to be and not to be,

Walk the walk to be free. 

I know you and I know you are with me, 

To help and not to hinder, 

To build and not to break, 

To humble and not to destroy, 

To save me and to give me life!

Where are you? 

Everywhere present and filling all things,

I am the beginning and the end,

The Alpha and the Omega,

And your best friend.

The Embrace of a Miracle

When I see you again, 

My eyes will be in Paradise,

You are my first and my only roll of the dice, of life...

My hope will never end.

The youngest and fairest,

You are a true precious Godsend. 

I will tell you tales of my past,

How I overcame and hussled,

Though deminutive I out muscled,

The chains I broke and hearts too,

The walls I scaled and treasures I held,

The fight and drive to survive, I hope you have this in you too. 

The pictures I see, the things I know of Greek stock, 

The Poetry and art we share, 

You're a true chip off the old block, 

And God knows I care,

The emotion stemming from the deliverance of justice to behold you in front of me, 

We will see, 

When eye to eye, what will be will be. 

Our spirit is one, created by the Holy Son, baptised into the faith,

We hold the key to the promised land, 

Fore He who knows the story of each and every grain of sand holds us like his own children by the hand,

In every life I believe there is a pinnacle, 

Thus when I hold you in my arms,

It will come to be the embrace of a miracle!

The dark cloud

The dark cloud above your head holds you back,

It stems your flow,

It zaps your energy

And never let's go.

Until one day you see the brightest light,

A ray of hope and a view in sight,

That pierces the dark cloud and burns it away,

Enabling you to see a new and joyful way.

The passion you hold is the key,

The passion pierces the darkness with energy,

Mental energy that forever exists,

Outlives the body and it insists,

It insists with the powerful force of delight,

It insists with the courage to take risks and act,

Which gives true confidence and that is a fact.

The powerful force of delight is the burning passion inside,

It never fades, never dwindles,

It's a flame that flickers and excites, it beats away despair and gloom, future fear and imminent doom, depression is a tiny thing of the past and your future is a burning bright light at last.

The dark cloud has gone,

You have overcome adversity and fear does not control your thinking,

You are the master and you hold the key,

That unlocks the light of energy! 

The face of love

Alone under the stars

I think of everything. 

I theorise, summise, I intellectualise and I'm surprised at what I think. 

But, then I cry and I pray. 

I'm no longer alone here on Earth. 

The stars forge as one showing the face of love. 

The darkness around is dark, but the light from the stars hits me like a bolt from a thunder cloud. 

Despair no more, they say

Despair no more, 

You cannot touch me you pitiful one, I have light in my eyes encapsulating my entire frame, and I'm held close like a child. 

My depth was a kaleidoscope of intensity, now a light from above changes all that, 

My focus is your face, 

Your face always ahead of me, 

All this thinking doesn't matter, 

I'm a child, I see and feel what matters, and I know. 

My feet will stay here now, 

My eyes too, 

Focused on the entirety of what matters. 

And what matters my dear beloved, 

What matters, 

Is the face of love,

...and a smile on my face. 

I wonder

I wonder at the wind blowing wildflower in fields, I look and see

the radiant Sun and sumptuous sky,

such beauty exists and I wonder why. 

I wonder why people say great things and have pretty thoughts, why smiling is contagious and laughter the best medicine, how connections we make through God just happen. 

I wonder how faith makes us stronger, stronger still through darker times and grateful in times of blissful light. 

I can wonder all I like, as the truth is faith is exceedingly beautiful, and wonderment comes with the mystery. 

I look at tiny things with the curiosity of a child and feel awe at the immensity of Christ's power, then I feel His hand touch my shoulder, my friend The Creator, and I weep with a grateful heart. 

Such love and comfort through the entirety of life, 

He always shows mercy, 

Always forgives, 

Always loves. 

I always wonder as the wonderful is Him, of Him and with Him. He makes life beautiful, so such wondering will never cease and my joy for life will never end. 

See the Good

We wait for that big event in life when we'll make it,

We wait for things to happen,

We wait to be happy,

Gratitude for the moment is the answer,

Then no waiting is necessary. 

Waking up and feeling fulfilled with the small things and being alive, 

No whinging, no complaints, 

You have your hand, now do your best and don't give up, do not despair,

Despair is the beginning of the end. 

Everything is not easy, 

Do what you can and feel blessed for the good things. 

Put that big event to rest and live your life in contentment, fore that event is a deception, 

It doesn't bring happiness if you are not already happy with what you have,

Do not strive for happiness, 

Strive to be selfless, to overcome, to remain calm. 

Be humble, 

Pray to God and 

See the good. 

Perfect love is perfection itself

Challenge the state of affairs, whatever they may be,  but let hate feed hate,  I'll feel the love and the power! Challenge the masses, ...

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