The Embrace of a Miracle

When I see you again, 

My eyes will be in Paradise,

You are my first and my only roll of the dice, of life...

My hope will never end.

The youngest and fairest,

You are a true precious Godsend. 

I will tell you tales of my past,

How I overcame and hussled,

Though deminutive I out muscled,

The chains I broke and hearts too,

The walls I scaled and treasures I held,

The fight and drive to survive, I hope you have this in you too. 

The pictures I see, the things I know of Greek stock, 

The Poetry and art we share, 

You're a true chip off the old block, 

And God knows I care,

The emotion stemming from the deliverance of justice to behold you in front of me, 

We will see, 

When eye to eye, what will be will be. 

Our spirit is one, created by the Holy Son, baptised into the faith,

We hold the key to the promised land, 

Fore He who knows the story of each and every grain of sand holds us like his own children by the hand,

In every life I believe there is a pinnacle, 

Thus when I hold you in my arms,

It will come to be the embrace of a miracle!

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