The day I shake my friends hand

Today we are in tortuous times, 
Poisoned with sickness and uncertainty, 
The unknown is everywhere, 
We ask but get nothing, 
Seeking for a measure of normality, 
We look, 
but can't find the truth. 

This disease, 
this rotten thing,
has ravaged us, 
ravaged our very soul, 
Stripped our lives to basics and necessity,
Cut through the bladder and bowel of life. 

within me, 
I see clearly the day I shake my friends hand, 
on the football field, 
In the gardens and in the towns, 
In the streets and in my own home.
Anywhere and everywhere, we embrace! 

I see faces with broad smiles, relief and an insurmountable strength that has overcome this horrific blast of death. 

I see vitality and vibrance return, the shock of it all rendered obsolete. 

Its past now brothers and sisters, I say, dead and buried, and freedom reigns once more! 

Our souls are lifted, and our hearts roar! 

We're alive! Oh Glory! 

and through the God given power of Hope, we are free! 

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