control of the masses

My heart, 
soft and warm, 
will always be my own,

My smile, will always effect another with sincere and loving kindness, 

My thoughts, like birdsong will always salute the truth with vibrants and clarity, 

My humility will never be touched, nor cracked by enemies. 

You can't break my faith, 
You can't destroy my beliefs, 
You can't kill me, 
My soul is intact, 
My spirit rises like a roaring lion, 
My mind is free. 

Our freewill remains for eternity! 

Never will power overwhelm the people!

It is not a matter of anarchy, rebellion or uprising, 
Its a matter of giving glory, 
not to a man in power, 
but to that which gives us the greatest freedom, 
that of inner strength! 

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