During Lockdown

Once upon a time in the middle of the lockdown, I had a dream, I saw the meaning of life 2 metres infront of me. The picture didnt lean in or linger, or stop and stare, it was just there.

I understood it immediately, its shadow, its form, it was neither crestfallen nor forlorn, nor torn. It was applied in victory, not blame or scorn, it was the peak of existence, the essence of man, in times of trouble it does what it can, that which you cannot do. 

The mighty feel it, so do the weak. The rich, the poor, the low and the peak.

It is freedom, 
It is life, 
It is that you can see. 
It is Inside you, 
It is rest, 
It is the love inside me. 

All around is weakness,
All around are the dead, 
All around are the scattered and worn, the torn. 
All around is disease and isolation, the devastation of desolation. 

But this, this, is far greater than that. 

It is the strength beyond strength, 
the life beyond life,
It is the untouchable human spirit, 
the God given power of will. 

Fore inside we burn, 
A ruptuous inferno, 
Molten steel. 
A Granite strong carving, 
A living stone, 
A straight chiselled path to the great unknown, 
A woven tapestry of magma, 
A range of insurmountable mountain, 
The beautiful life of the life giving fountain. 
It is the gushing forth of glowing white light which gives 
the overwhelming gift of sight, to the blind and to the sighted.

fight the good fight, 
Wage the right war, 
Inside your heart and inside your mind, 

As, It is love. 

That is which gives hope. 

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