
We're people,
Forced to change our lives,
Some walk, some sing, some write rhymes.
We all must adapt,
Adjust and cope,
This is the only way,
We must have hope.

The strong will survive,
The weak may die,
While we're still alive,
We must survive!
Others may break down,
We might sob with tears,
The uncertainty, the doubt, the fears, but
We must keep going,
We must!

We will get through it,
Bit by bit,
Step by step,
We fight.

The dust settles,
Normality arrives,
We'll see the enormity of its effect,
On those who are still alive,
The ones who make it through the cold.

The naked and vulnerable,
will be left standing,
This wolf wants to kill us,
But, reacting with stealth,
This wolf is speared straight through the jugular!

This world is wrong,
Respect has gone,
But, we have a code!
A code of patience and truth.
The code will not be broken,
We are not wild,
We are survivors!

This environment,
Inhospitable and unknown,
We've overcome and grown,
Still holding our shield,
It was survive or die,
The enemy has been killed.

We have battle wounds,
We have stories to tell,
We have memories of being unwell.

Now with new resolve,
Life begins.

The League

They taunt us, harass us, cuss us and slap us, they big up and bully us in the aim to break us, but we rise and ride with skill and poise, to deflect and respect this opposition of void. We caress the ball on the slick pitch, we battered their mind, by being kind, by winning the game with the internal flame, inner strength defeats the defeated, I repeat, we are also from the street, we are true friends, we are winners from the heart, we played them off pitch with the noble art!!

This Is Hope

When a tiny leaf starts to grow,
When flower buds begin to form and show,
When the roots of a sapling take up the earth,
When a sheep lays down to give new birth,
This is Hope!

When your Cross is carried and it is worn,
When sacred words are uttered and are sworn,
When Holy water touches your very head,
When we pray before going to sleep in our bed,
This is Hope!

Beautiful words spoken from His lips like a perfect picture being painted carry us to Heaven, while our feet are still on the ground.
The Light dazzles our eyes and beams within our soul,
As the Spirit inside us is woken, we are alive.

From birth an Angel of the Lord is with us,
we are shielded with their wings.
With Faith,
we learn,
With Grace,
we grow to love The Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe.

Hope made us from the earth on which we live,
He was born in humility to show us the way,
Hope taught us that to receive is to give,
He showed us what to do and what to say,
Hope met the Tree of Life and died for our salvation,
He was resurrected in victory!
Hope is before Genesis and after Revelation.
Hope carries us for eternity!

His Insurmountable Strength and His unending Love is what gives us strength and gives us love.
His Unfailing Word, His Armour, His Shield, is what protects and reasssures us in our darkest days and lowest nights. We are given Hope by Hope Himself that we enter a place of peace and rest with Him, in this lifetime and in Paradise.

I say receive His body and His blood,
When baptised with The Spirit and the fire, 
He delivers us from pestilence, famine and flood,
You'll recieve your complete hearts desire.
Pray and He will be there,
Listen to what The Truth says!
So have no worry or care,
You will have Glorious days!

The Rose 🌹

Amidst death and decay,
exists a rose, that everyone knows, yet avoids, these days.
The rose is golden, sumptuously sweet smelling with curled petals.
So beautiful, it scares people, they cannot understand why it lives and how it survives.
People want to rebel and fight it, they succumb to hatred.

The light shines on this rose, and it glows in the light, showing its colours and giving the power it holds. The true nature of this flower will never be known. Unless we become one with it, in our heart, our mind and our soul, it vanishes.

There once was a time when it mattered, I believe. Not just fleeting on the lips, but in our nerves, our blood and our brains. I would have laid my life down for my friend, now they lay down their weapons and just sleep. Dazed, confused, they watch as life passes them.

Zeal for the rose is what is needed, the thorn in the flesh to prick them back to life, drawing blood if necessary. The root of the problem lies in lies. Only the Truth holds the soil in its hands, the soil is the beginning of life and is where all things go back to.

The Sun Arises

The beauty of Light speaks to me,
letting me know the Good News to come.

How on Earth can there be just death, sadness and terror? A bleak life?

How can beauty not be seen in the created?

How does untainted love occur without the ultimate example?

A child alone sees things with innocent eyes, and sees the Truth.
Even the cells that bind our very bodies together with the strength of the Trinity are shaped like The Cross.
The Truth is staring us in the face and we refuse to see it?

"Glory to God for the genius of the human mind!"
"Glory to God for the beauty and the manifestation of the unfathomable force of the laws of the universe!"
"Glory to God for you have broken the power of the spirit of darkness, and have doomed to annihilation every kind of evil!"

Glory to You for giving us humility in our hearts,
fore the wonderment that surrounds us is a reflection of You.
The abundance of colours, tastes, textures and fragrances, the millions of creatures,
the blades of grass, flowers and trees, and fruits they bare.
The seas and mountains and valleys, and the goodness that envelopes the human heart.
It's all because of you dear Lord, and I thank you, I cherish today, tomorrow and always, as you are with me in every good thing and in every good way.


Always be a bright candle flame and discover a new world.

Where time and space are unending and His magnificents reigns.

Where the Crown of thorns is the jewelled Crown of Glory. The crucified Christ is King. The tortured figure is strength itself.

In the churches people will sing of Glory, the glorious Cross held high, the vivid Iconography will be blessed with the sweetest Frankincense. Holy scripture will be wept upon with tears of joy, and the beauty of God's nature absorbed like a child with toy.

Your life will change, your heart will rest, your head will be without strain and stress.

You will attain the unattainable, the untouchable, the saintly and supreme, The unmistakably Holy, the blessed and clean.

Peace will enter your mind, suffering will cease, filled with joy and love. Mercy everywhere present, from the ground to the stars above.

Everlasting hope,
Eternal love,
Forever happy and peace of the Dove. No more longing, waiting and pleading. No more evil, no more pain, no more unrest, always the glow of a still burning flame.

Only the submergence of Glorious Truth, only the light without the shadow of darkness, only the love without any doubt, only the purity without stain and the sweetness of nectar without the taste of blame.

No more fear, no more hurt.
It's time to sleep and dream. Only dreams of loving kindness, the workings of the Spirit of Truth. Set sail and rest your soul, drift off and slumber. It's begun, you are there, you are now free to live a beautiful life of magnificent wonder.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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