This Is Hope

When a tiny leaf starts to grow,
When flower buds begin to form and show,
When the roots of a sapling take up the earth,
When a sheep lays down to give new birth,
This is Hope!

When your Cross is carried and it is worn,
When sacred words are uttered and are sworn,
When Holy water touches your very head,
When we pray before going to sleep in our bed,
This is Hope!

Beautiful words spoken from His lips like a perfect picture being painted carry us to Heaven, while our feet are still on the ground.
The Light dazzles our eyes and beams within our soul,
As the Spirit inside us is woken, we are alive.

From birth an Angel of the Lord is with us,
we are shielded with their wings.
With Faith,
we learn,
With Grace,
we grow to love The Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe.

Hope made us from the earth on which we live,
He was born in humility to show us the way,
Hope taught us that to receive is to give,
He showed us what to do and what to say,
Hope met the Tree of Life and died for our salvation,
He was resurrected in victory!
Hope is before Genesis and after Revelation.
Hope carries us for eternity!

His Insurmountable Strength and His unending Love is what gives us strength and gives us love.
His Unfailing Word, His Armour, His Shield, is what protects and reasssures us in our darkest days and lowest nights. We are given Hope by Hope Himself that we enter a place of peace and rest with Him, in this lifetime and in Paradise.

I say receive His body and His blood,
When baptised with The Spirit and the fire, 
He delivers us from pestilence, famine and flood,
You'll recieve your complete hearts desire.
Pray and He will be there,
Listen to what The Truth says!
So have no worry or care,
You will have Glorious days!

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