
We're people,
Forced to change our lives,
Some walk, some sing, some write rhymes.
We all must adapt,
Adjust and cope,
This is the only way,
We must have hope.

The strong will survive,
The weak may die,
While we're still alive,
We must survive!
Others may break down,
We might sob with tears,
The uncertainty, the doubt, the fears, but
We must keep going,
We must!

We will get through it,
Bit by bit,
Step by step,
We fight.

The dust settles,
Normality arrives,
We'll see the enormity of its effect,
On those who are still alive,
The ones who make it through the cold.

The naked and vulnerable,
will be left standing,
This wolf wants to kill us,
But, reacting with stealth,
This wolf is speared straight through the jugular!

This world is wrong,
Respect has gone,
But, we have a code!
A code of patience and truth.
The code will not be broken,
We are not wild,
We are survivors!

This environment,
Inhospitable and unknown,
We've overcome and grown,
Still holding our shield,
It was survive or die,
The enemy has been killed.

We have battle wounds,
We have stories to tell,
We have memories of being unwell.

Now with new resolve,
Life begins.

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Good manners go far! Thank you! Much appreciate your comment!

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