Rebellion and Revolution

Banners, plackards and shouting only silence the outward man,
Inside one remains the same,
A sterile society brings inner repression and suppression,
Anger, hatred and hurt, brings more anger, hatred and hurt,
Racism and prejudice will always exist,
Killings, drugs and guns, don't need community centres, raising awareness and campaigns to stop. 

Silence, humility and inner morals,
Is the only solution,
To this unending dilemma.
Not against petty government,
Not against war,
Not against slavery,

To challenge the root cause of these things we must rise above and beyond this miniscule physical reality,
Rise above the cause of all evil,
While raising the only sign needed,
The sign of the Cross!

In order to rise,
You must bow to God with a humble gut wrenching surprise to the devil.
The humble gesture of prayer,
With the killing of the inner threat and disease of pride,
Without silencing Satan,
The root cause,
Without demolishing the demons,
With the power of humility,
We will not win!

Each unique entity on the firmaments of the Earth,
Man or woman,
A person, can only govern himself,
If one cannot even govern himself, 
how then can he govern a country?
How then can he change the world?!

Agree or disagree?
Eyes open or blind?
Bold or timid?
Humble or arrogant?
True or false?!
Walk the walk, don't talk the talk! 

I say, stand before you fall to your knees to pride,
Stride with freedom to remain strong knowing you are weak,
Fight the only war one can win without harming another,
The spiritual war,
With love in your heart and forgiveness,
With this comes peace,
Only then can the world change!

Even so, let us attend!
Come Lord Jesus!
Show us Your Way!
Show us Truth!

So be it!

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