Acceptance in Paradise

Let me tell you something,
Yeah, I feel aggression, I feel anger,
I break, I fold,
But I mend.  I heal and I open up,
The liberator keeps freedom at hand,
The conqueror fights life,
The warrior flies a high flag of victory,
Pity? I don't want it!
I eat the fruit of growth,
With the seed of sustainance,
My shoots always grow to trees,
Flourishing from nourished roots,
Devil, where are you?!
Come for me?!
I'll annihilate you, you feeble foe, with my iron fist!
a humble bowed head of nonchalance!
And a kind loving word!
Demons? Give me a break!!
You can't touch me!
I'm wearing my armour and holding my mighty shield!
Bullet proof, razor sharp, 
I ride a stallion and hold my harp, aloft with strength!
Pride?! Go run and hide!!
I don't need you pride!
I don't want you!
Go away, leave me alone!
I ain't no clone!
I'm in my zone!
Not a stone!
But, a heart of warm blood!
Running free with liberty! 
Has challenges, they come and they go, people come and they go!
Steadfast and rock solid is what is needed to bleed in this existence!
Resistance?! Yes, I resist hurting, but always receive love with soft eyes,
Receive from the new born King, the only true gifts,
Exhilarating hope,
Unending joy,
Unrelenting faith,
The scope to see beyond the reality Infront of your face,
Not in space, not the universe,
Something far greater, if there is no doubts in your belief!?
Doubts? Never! Not in a hundred trillion years! 
My rock is my fortress,
My foundation is my harness,
My fulcrum and my leaver is my point of axis to lift the world like Atlas on my shoulders!
Not on my own! 
But above the dead bone!
The light of resurrection is my 
crown and anchor, my bridge to a better place,
A place of rest,
Defence?! Guard?! It won't be needed! At the Holy acceptance in the Holy pleasure in Paradise! 

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