Love is the warmth

Love is within us,

We must show and feel it,

Expose the fire and kindle our openness,

As light brings the food of the future,

Creating real dreams and affectionate soft petal-like touches.

Be a broad Palm leaf absorbing the sunlight,

Soak it up and transmit your positive oxygen,

Only goodness comes in this way and only the breath of exhilaration is exhaled.

Earthy hands feel the compost of creation,

Remember your roots and

Embrace change,

Even the slightest touch of love must be held close,

So that it can grow,

Like a grapevine it clings on to structure and strength,

Expanding and giving fruit, it's voluminous sweetness is ever tasted.

Wiping my brow in the heat,

My inner glow never ends,

I show it and absorb it,

Show your desire and the fire you feel,

This energy of steps of bare feet to the sea is cooled, but not quenched as the dazzle must continue from inside.

The spark snaps and crackles,

Jumping forward to new places and people,

Remembering flames showering you like falling embers of blossom,

As brightness comes through the silhouette of the Sycamore and onto my face,

I hold this atmosphere strong and close!

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