
I open my book and read.

Is this it? Is it time? Can things get worse?

I'm scratching and crawling,

Itching and gnawing, gnashing my teeth with anger,

Irritation sending me up brittle scaffolding in this hot and dusty time. 

Beautiful sun rays gaze through the floating thick clouds, 

But, I can't appreciate this natural wonder right now,

I'm in a phase of pointing my finger and setting the world to rights,

Fighting fights I can't win,

There in my head, so I must let go and take in the magnificence of my surroundings, and throw these thoughts to the bin.

The shine, the reflections, the blaze of the sun, leaves synthesising light, they never lose their life is won. One in being alive and two in simplicity, three in nourishing the world and four in synchronicity. Synchronised better than any clock to the natural world, they know I'm there, they see me and hear me.

Trees experience trauma, but never complain, they only give and help us sustain, they see the light and grow towards it, exhaling life into our lungs and systems. Everything that has breath sings and calls the name of that which helps it grow, I believe. The flow of water to the roots, into the shoots, creates a perpetual motion and unending cyclical growth of hope.

Both beast and herb are precious, 

we eat them to live, 

all life is sacrifice,

With kindness and giving,

Without eachother there is no living.

The lamb was sacrificed and endured torture, 

The fish was caught and eaten,

The lion was tamed and became a friend,

The donkey was ridden on to the death,

And the horse led the way.

The thunder cloud is descended and the final olive branch is received,

The palm leaves are held high.


It is time! 


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