Freedom will come

I'm Locked in a cage

in the confines of my home,

people listen in as

I fight with my thoughts,

anger, resentment and worry,

people point the finger and talk with certainty about uncertain things and 

think they know me, when I don't even know them,

I rage inside,

my mind races,

I pace back and forth,

restless and unrelenting.

Then one day,

Someone unlocks my life,

Not with a key or with their hands,

But with a small word of encouragement,

A true word of love

and peace overwhelmed me,

Peace grew around my body like a vine, holding me firm and giving me strength,

The vine didn't hold me down, but like a friend it held me and helped me on my way to freedom.

With freedom anything is possible,

Anything which stems and has its roots in nourishing goodness,

The earth in which we walk has this goodness,

But only with unquenchable hope can everlasting shoots grow, 

It is hope soaring high into the clouds that gives ultimate freedom,

The Eagle is strong and tenacious, and grapples with talons clinging onto hope with vigour, 

But it is only with the Doves spirit of peace and stillness that hope lasts! 

The descended Dove displays inner strength, spiritual powers to tackle life's greatest warfare! 

Never give in to your demons!

Never let your enemies cloud your judgement,

Hold on to what is dear to you and resist to be tainted and tarnished with words that are not you and never were, 

Never let another stand in your ground,

But, by all means help those who need help,

Give with generosity,

Share your love with kindness,

Be a rock and a Dove,

Be the Lion and the Lamb,

Be a force of nature and a spiritual King!

Freedom will come,

With peace in your heart and hope gives rest to us all! 

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