
To fathom a single lick of paint on a Cathedral ceiling, a bolt holding up a skyscraper,  a blade of grass on a football pitch, tiny, but is the solid fabric of the whole with a soul.

Like me, I'm ingrained, part of society, part of the planet Earth, part of the Universe, part of the Creators creation,

Truth is in my bones and the cells of my body.

At home, in the streets, in the parks and parades, in the towns and cities, as I walk and talk, workout or rest, I always do my best,

I can do anything I set my mind to with help from the Man above and His love!

Hairs on a dog,

Feathers on a bird,

Moistness on a frog, 

The following of a herd,

I tingle at details, adrenaline rushes from that which makes you what you are...

Where am I from? They ask.

From the earth, made by the hands of God, from a spark in the womb of my mother.

Where are you from? I say back!

Peckham? Portsmouth? Hollywood? Or the Outer Hebrides? Hawaii?! 

A Nightingale's home isn't a cage, it wants to be free to sing it's beautiful song!

Assumption and ignorance go hand in hand, because you don't know me until you know me!

I've got Angels watching out for me, kicking away those demons! With my prayers I'm bullet proof, with my head low and my eyes focussed I'm aware! Every single thing happens for a reason, that's where controlling your thoughts and actions is a preventative remedy for the soul!

My thoughts, my character, my point of view, my truth is my truth! 

That's my proof! That's my identity! Don't box me in, don't shove me in a corner, my ego doesn't prevail, so neither will yours! Who's got your back?! My back is gotten by The Creator and Sustainer of The entire Universe!! 

Like the leaves on an Olive tree or drops of water in the Red Sea,

They make it what it is, 

Just like Grapes make the vine,

You know a tree by its fruit, and those fruit don't fall far from the tree,

Select and savour those good fruit, for they are sweet and kind, so taste and see, and you will know who you are and who is for you! 

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