Kermit the frog 🐸

He was a tadpole of mine,

Stolen from school and made sublime,

From one in a hundred he was made a unique friend,

I did a bad thing, but created a Godsend,

In my garden he would grow,

What he knew I didn't know,

I fed him meat hung on a string,

Such satisfaction and reward he did bring,

From an ice-cream box, I made a pond in the earth,

I added stones and rocks, he never made a sound,

I saw him jump around and then one day he did something profound,

On his back I saw him, in the water of his home, 

I was sad, but this frog was saved,

I recognised him as a friend and companion, maybe it's what this frog craved,

He was looked after day by day,

Though he didn't have much to do or say,

To me, I did a great thing,

To him life I did bring,

And he gave back joy and a smile,

To a child that's going the extra mile!

We'll meet again I'm sure anyhow,

I have no doubt,

Somewhere somehow! 

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