In response to the Queen's Funeral

People ought not be judged by title or status, wealth or power, but the most respected legacy must be one which touches your soul with personal kindness and sacrifice, with tears and great happiness, and most of all with love. Love brings peace to your mind, warmth to your heart and ease to your body. Let not pomp and pageantry, misguide you into thinking one is great, fore out of the  womb we all were born and to the earth we end up. The greatest of all people is the least of all. I shed a tear for any good person who passes, but none should be elevated above another to make another feel lesser. Poverty, squalor, hunger, suffering and turmoil is what many experience, yet to be given a title and to do it, this is no great honour. Is not a homeless person just as valid, is not a refuse collector doing worthy work, is not a poor artist or destitute poet not accomplished, are they not worthy of praise, like all good people are? When my father died, I said a speech, nobody could hear, as the microphone was deliberately switched off. When I choked up and cried when I spoke, did anyone care? It was a small funeral, modest, did anyone apart from my mother and I really appreciate the significance of this day? You may honour and submit, you may lower your head in honour, but I do not lower mine, only in grief and condolences do I show my respect. I lower my head to my father who brought me up, and to my mother also, but not to someone I have never met nor know. My parents who fed me and changed my nappies, who supported me and encouraged me through the rigours and challenges of life. Where were the trumpets and horses when I recovered from my mental breakdown, and when my father lost his mind with dementia? When my mother ran for her life? When my sister was to die from lack of oxygen and my brother unable to walk was carried to intensive care to save his life? This is not jealousy or bitterness, but rather it's what ought to be thought and what ought to praised, and what ought to be respected. When my God, who I have faith in, was born, not in great power but in humility and died on the tree did anyone but his mother, the apostles and few others weep and mourn. Not thousands, not millions. All people on the earth are the same, only God is above us, only Heaven, where we want to be brings us glory, and to get there we must follow a childlike and humble path, lowly in mind and with spirit. 

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