The day of light

I sip my coffee with listless lips, my hands weak and shaky, I weep for those who suffer, I weep for those who've gone,

I feel grief and for all I've done wrong, 

but, then I pray,

There is a plane that's heading for those who wait,

Beyond the sky, beyond the gate,

And on the way, I watch and wait,

For the final day.

War rages in my mind, in my home, in the streets,

It devours everything it eats, the poor man opens his hands and cries, the rich man brushes aside and sighs,

But, there's a plane that's heading for those who wait,

Beyond the sky, beyond the gate,

And on the way, I watch and wait,

For the final day,

It's buried in the cemeteries 

It's hidden in the darkest morning,

It's everywhere babies gently  sleep,

For the final day 

Won't creep, it will explode into your life with thunder and lightning to quell the noise and fighting!

With power at hand,

Feet resting upon his foes, and without a change of mind,

But, only to be kind,

He said "LET THERE BE LIGHT" and there was light, and the light was in sight!

There's a plane that's heading for those who wait,

Beyond the stars, beyond the gate,

And on the way, I watch and wait,

For the final day is here,

The day of

Light will come, 

Then there will be 




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