At least I'm alive

I'm switched on,

Like a bomb, 

Ready to detonate,

my internal sensations are heightened,

Intrigue and fascination of life is my focus,

I'm wired.

Everything is internalised,

Everything is outward in and letting the eruption begin,

Every colour,

Every texture,

Every feeling,

Every thought,

I'm ready to explode.

I walk and it's quiet,

I slide open the door,

I enter,

The garden is an overload to my eyes, 

I've been here thousands of times,

It's my secret,

My altar, 

My mystery,

It conjures words I must express,

It has limits, but limitless,

It has boundaries, but is boundless,

It is small, but is monumental.

I touch a Salvia leaf, 

And take in its aroma,

Sweet and herbal,

I see the golden rose,

It's multiple shades of sunrise mesmerise my sight,

The glossy leaves of the Aralia are smooth and shine in the late summer sun.

I take my sandals off and ground my feet onto the sandstone tiles, 

I tip toe and feel the ache in my calf muscles,

I take a deep breathe and broaden my chest, 

Exhaling I soon slow down and think of life and of death,

I look up and see the vast expanse and questions enter my mind, many questions, and I question these questions,

What does it matter? I think.

The greatness of life is too much to take. 

I step back inside, boil some water in a kettle and make a coffee with honey and milk, and sip it.

My father enters my mind,

At least I'm alive, I think,

believe me,

Then my mind steps back and re-engages,

So is he.

I look out the window, the blinds up, I see the sun.

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