We are the light

I'm aware of the light of my body and mind, fore I effect the universe, and all living kind, so I cast a shadow of light from within the darkness of the cave, and step forth with light into the light, the first fight for the first brave.

Stars, planets, swarms and plague's, sunset and sunrise, moon phase and stage, the ladder of degradation and elevation leads to one's salvation, people of all shapes, sizes and guises fight to gain light, so the fight continues towards the light.

Emotions, morals and my entire inner being effect my body and my surroundings' way of seeing, fore we and our environment are created, we live in harmony, the levels of harmony balanced with levels of light determine our levels of sight, blindness and insight, in turn consequential levels of morality correlate with perfection to self reflection and mental selection, and strategy.

They'd look a different way if someone took my surroundings from me today, if I was to leave them behind for someone blind, who has no light or fight or any inner strength in sight.

Good and bad can really be seen in the skin, the mixture of light and dark holds the truth within, my energy transmits through my body, solid and ready, through my solar plexus to change the energy that my environments share with my care, through particles in the air.

My aura has a life transmitting energy of its own, it's two tone, it radiates back and forth from my body to my environment. This is what is meant when we sense a vibe, Jackyl and Hyde, good and bad energy, dead or alive.

Let there be light shining on you and to others from you.

From the light we are created and to light we go. 

We ARE our environment and our environment is us, we are not merely part of the created universe past and gone, we are the universal eternal light that The Light shines on!

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