The line of defiance

With my compass forever with me,

I draw a line in the sand,

a line you can't comprehend with weakness,

only with strength,

the line never sleeps nor ends,

but like the mottled glow of light on the sea, it only gently fades at night always returning with force at sunrise.

I want you to be happy as the line is drawn, 

and I do the best I can,

for more than a thousand years,

I love you,

I struggle and I suffer for you,

for more than a thousand years,

ceaselessly without break or crack,

the footprints have been made, 

the line is eternal.

Pebbles and stones smoothed and shaped with time, 

gradually pounded by geology and physics to grain, but never disappear.

I hold an age of history in the palm of my hand,

though I let it blow away in the wind it still exists.  

The heat of the sun burns,

but the oceans do not evaporate, 

condensation falls to the ground and replenishment continues.

I want you to feel cherished, 

and I do all I can,

for more than a million years,

Boundless I sail the winds and rays of the sun,

ceaselessly I pray and I like a child I become,

The steps to Heaven have begun.

The line of defiance is feared,

An unbreakable chain,

yet allowing in the light of the light, so that no darkness penetrates it. 

It's a wall transparent and humble, 

defying anything that is not good.

It guides my eyes, 

allows me to live

and within it my heart stays. 

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