The cradle of love

Haunting, but beautiful, frightening, yet special,

The kaleidoscope of uncommon genius to crack any code stems from love of the heart,

Incredibly smart though with a softness and a kindness untold,

Until the terrifying psychotic episode did unfold,

Then the rare story unravelled for people to behold.

This schizophrenic is a beautiful man, with a beautiful mind,

A soldier of mentality,

A psychological warrior overcoming cerebral torture to see what others do not,

Not the delusions, not the hallucinations and voices in his mind, but the artistic, creative, unfathomable ability to decipher numerical oddities rendering the odd and stigmatized to normalized and harmonized, and kind.

The movements and circling of pigeons is a game, that brings fame and Nobel Prize, no surprise that love and genius with that Aristotelian tincture of madness and sadness, brings unparalleled brain power,

No sour taste,

No regret,

As love conquers iniquity and frailty to display the facts set,

Strengths through electrocution to find the solution,

Strengths through overcoming medications and drug filled injections,

Strengths through morality, mortality and insanity.

Poetic justice and injustice unhidden withstanding cruelty, true and empathetically purposed,

Without riptide and corseness, but built with gentleness and warmth, and genuine, not pride and a thick hide, but humanly kind. 

As the diploma was given, the painting sold, the applause and the handshakes over,

He thanked the bond of love that got him past being stripped of life, 

The embracing cradle of love gave him a power greater than any other,

to give love back.

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