Your love

(a response to the question of am I normal or ordinary?) 

I'm a star amongst billions in space, shining brightest of them all,

Like every blade of grass clothed beautifully in green gowns, my gown glows greater on a path of light,

Like every petal luscious in colour and every leaf on every tree, but I'm surrounded by awe.

For me, the clouds golden lining shines at sunrise absorbed through the eyes, 

flecks of light cover everything around with warm wishes, 

a tunnelling mole as a volcano erupts is in view,

The feel of the oceans on my feet, and trickles of water to quench the thirst of a playing puppy and gurgling newborn child.

Through green eyes, sailing a boat, lense focused and taking pictures of the world,

The leaf that fell from the tree then sliding off your shoulder to the ground is me, fore It has life giving breath. 

The wonderment of the moment,

The glory of view,

A sparrow totters past on uneven earth, then flies away in a hurry,

Flowers look to the sun,

then the glittering Cosmos enlightens me, the delightful change of your expression lets me know I need not what others have, because I have your love.

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