Inner Strength

Don't listen to negative talk, 

Listen to beautiful music of your soul,

Don't let people get you down,

People do hurt,

But, don't wear a frown.

listen to the freedom of birds in the sky,

The music of their wings,

Rise with strength.

You'll feel devastated one day,

Low and weary,

They want to break you, 

They want to shame you,

They want to claim your life,

Don't let them.

Be your heart and lift up from the devastation and become your elevation.

Elevation is brave,

Elevation has guts,

Don't be scared, take risks,

We learn by our mistakes,

Don't be afraid to fail,

Let your ship set sail,

The waters are deep and dark,

But sail towards the light. 

If your intentions are good, but

people tell you can't do it, 

then prove them wrong and go through it, 

Motivate yourself,

Drive your own car, 

Steer your own vehicle,

Believe in yourself,

Rebel and revolt,

Challenge and change life,

Fore it always needs changing.

If you can't see, listen to beautiful things,

If you can't walk, read and learn,

If you can't hear, talk and make friends,

If you're near death, pray,

Nobody is alone,

Always pray for better things and better days, no matter how crippled and down you are,

Lift up your soul,

Rise above your frailty with inner strength,

Whether mentality or physicality,

Never let yourself be beaten by dark ways and weakness,

There's something deep inside everyone that is drawn to goodness,

Everyone needs love,

Be drawn to love,

Reach for the stars, the galaxies and quasars, with feet firmly on solid ground.

Have faith, 

Inner strength is greater than disablement,

Don't be burdened with anxiety or hold yourself back,

Those tranquil notes on the piano want stop just because life is difficult,

Just because depression is here,

Inside you can break the cycle again and again, and again,

Keeping the feet pedaling onwards, relentlessly. 

Have faith and inner strength will always be there,

The greatest strength.

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