The Cave

I once was inside a cave,

Dark and shadowy,

All that could be seen was the distant light from outside,

My reality was darkness,

My reality was a lie.

I made a fire to warm my hands and to eat,

The light was closer,

But was all in my mind,

My thoughts playing trickery,

The light burnt me and soon burnt out.

I stumbled closer to the outside,

I could see the light outside from inside,

I realised it's true existence,

I was still in the dark, but could see the light, 

My heart longed for the light of the light.

Then one day,

I forced myself out of the cave,

Step by step,

By the power of my will,

Embracing the light,

I could see it and feel it,

It's brightness, its warmth,

The light was true life,

I was in darkness no more,

I know the truth!

I know reality and actuality! 

I am now transformed and transfigured into a higher way of seeing and being! 

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